Hitting the Wall: creator fatigue and the consequences of forgetting you’re human

In case you’ve been under a rock, or you’re relatively new to my pages, you’ll know that I did some pretty amazing stuff in 2020. I began my journey on TikTok in December of 2019. Originally downloading the application to see what all the fuss was about, I soon got pulled into all the craze! It was a slow start, and my posting took time to build up but I was slowly but surely gaining momentum. The joy I found in the interactions with my followers and the feeling of pride in success of my videos was amazing!

Then the worst happened…. my account was deleted at 89,000 followers.

I was devastated, but I didn’t let it stop me. I got right back up and began the process of re-gaining my following. I tried a new tactic, and started utilizing my live feature more. The response was overwhelmingly positive. It seemed the more I went live, the more followers I gained. Before I knew it I was going live 4+ hours a day, spending 6-7 hours creating content and another few interacting with followers via messaging on multiple platforms. I kept adding to my plate, disregarding the building pressure as passing nerves, nothing more. I was able to hit my annual goal of 100,ooo followers within a month…. a feat unheard of on this app. Then I hit the wall. HARD.

Out of nowhere merely opening the application put me in a panic, the fear of failure…of letting down my following started to consume me. I withdrew, almost as quickly as I showed up. I felt lost. Uninspired. Unsure of the choices I had made and the direction I was going. I had neglected my physical and mental health completely and it absolutely caught up with me. So what did I do?

I sat down and I ironed and re-ironed my goals. I really looked at what was important to be successful as a content creator and then I re-worked it again. I was quiet about this, and while I did this I also focused on what I had neglected.

Self Care.

A few days turned into a few weeks and the waves of panic seem to have subsided. However, now I feared the wrath of my followers, who I had basically abandoned. How do we pick up where we left off, while respecting the boundaries I’ve put in place for my own well-being?

That question remains to be seen…. as only time will tell. My focus is to continue to creating engaging content and an interactive platform with my Foxes…. and hope that they understand that I am only human after all.

